The Exhaustion of Saudia Young

Elaborating on the themes of contemporary portraiture and the tension between the human and the mechanical, the installation presents a sort of anthology of the Art of portrait while exploring its near exhaustion by representing its sole subject, Saudia Young (SY), ad nauseam.

This is the obsessive study of a character seen, over the years, through her various potent selves — an artist, a performer, a bi-racial woman, a brand, a friend — and its translation through various layered media consisting of video projections, LEDs, drawings, paintings, sculptures, Internet content, an app., a book and many autobiographical objects. My muse is a little known single middle age singer songwriter, designer and actress, a paradoxically “invisible” figure that is suddenly fully exposed.

The piece also genuinely celebrates the act of portraiture and the beauty of Saudia Young. She simultaneously rose to full exposure and fell to exhaustion for the duration of the BRIC Media House inaugural Biennial.


Wonder Women


Perfomance at PIONEER WORKS